Summer Vacation Rental Tips: Making the Most of the High Season

Summer Vacation Rental Tips: Making the Most of the High Season

With miles of beautiful coastline and mountains, North Carolina is the ideal vacation spot. And if you're a property owner, you can tap into an active market of vacationers seeking rental homes.

But how do you make the most of the high season? Read on to learn the best summer vacation rental tips to make your property shine!

Pursue Peak Season Pricing

A beach vacation rental in Wilmington will be in demand in June, July, and August. Consequently, you'll want to plan accordingly with a strategy to adjust your vacation rental rates.

Make sure to set prices higher during peak months and holidays. You can require staying for a set number of days, too.

For a fall and winter vacation rental, lower the prices. Look at comparable vacation rentals in the area to gauge the going rates during these months. You may even want to offer discounts to encourage bookings.

Polish Your Marketing Efforts

Keeping your summer vacation rental full means putting effort into marketing. Use descriptive prose to highlight your home's best features, like a rooftop deck. If you're offering an urban vacation rental, take good photos that show your property's proximity to downtown.

Post your listing on popular vacation rental websites. But don't overlook the power of social media. Sharing your listing as widely as possible will expand your audience.

Freshen Up Your Decor

To attract the best guests, make your home feel like a vacation oasis. Since Wilmington sits along the coast, play up the location with beach-inspired decor.

Furniture made from natural or distressed wood and touches of white wicker will set the tone. And add splashes of color through throw rugs and new paint. Use blue tones on your walls and feature sea shells and ocean-centric photography on your walls.

Offer Good Amenities

A summer vacation rental with good amenities will stand out from the crowd. Amenities could include an inviting deck with water or woodsy views and a grille. Or they could include a hot tub or pool.

Amenities don't have to be grand, either. A basket filled with sunscreen, spare sunglasses, and kids' games is a nice gesture to guests. You can offer beach towels and coolers, too, to help guests feel welcome.

Appeal to Outdoor Enthusiasts

While you're thinking about amenities, consider your audience. In Wilmington, you're likely to attract outdoorsy individuals seeking a short-term rental. Vacation rentals for outdoor enthusiasts need to reflect the right vibe.

You can include canoes, kayaks, or boogie boards to encourage trips to the water. Make camping gear, like tents and backpacks, available, too, as a convenience for guests who've traveled longer distances.

Follow These Summer Vacation Rental Tips

You can turn your summer vacation rental into a sought-after space with strong marketing and a good pricing strategy. Give your decor a refresh. And provide amenities that will let your listing emerge from the pack.

At PMI Wilmington, we bring extensive knowledge of real estate, accounting, and property management. We have the expertise to help you maximize the return on your property investment. Reach out today to learn more!
